Teaching @ UCLA
MSE 10 - New Materials

Originally designed as a freshman seminar series, the class curriculum has been enhanced in recent years to incorporate a range of interactive demonstrations and in-class experiments. This is complemented by lectures from faculty members sharing their research activities, along with departmental alumni discussing their industry experiences. All in-class activities are led by volunteers from the student chapter of the Materials Research Society (MRS) at UCLA.
MSE 141L - Computer Methods and Instrumentation in Materials Science

This laboratory course is meant to introduce junior and senior undergraduate students to data acquisition and processing, computer-aided testing, programming. In its present form, the redesigned class curriculum covers basic numerical methods (root-finding, interpolation, ODEs, PDEs, etc.), a few topics on machine learning/data science, and hardware projects on sensing and actuation using the (open source) Arduino microcontroller framework.
MSE 104 - Science of Engineering Materials

This is an introductory undergraduate materials science course that covers a wide breadth of topics, including atomic structure, mechanical properties, material defects, phase transformations, optical properties, electronic properties, polymers and composites. Several in-class demonstrations on a variety of topics are included.
MSE 201 - Principles of Materials Science II

This graduate course teaches about the kinetics of diffusion in nanoscale structures of elemental, alloy and compound materials. Discussions include linear and nonlinear diffusion, the Kirkendall effect, spinodal decomposition, the nucleation of new phases, and Ostwald ripening. In recent years, the curriculum has incorporated numerical techniques for solving the PDEs encountered in the class and also features "lightning talks" by students.