Journal Publications / Preprints
bold = member of Ab Initio Simulations Lab, * = corresponding author

S. Sharma, C. Wang, H.M. Yu and A.S. Banerjee* (2024): Electronic States and Mechanical Behaviors of Phosphorus Carbide Nanotubes — Structural and Quantum Phase Transitions in a Quasi-one-dimensional Material (submitted); arXiv Link
S. Sharma and A.S. Banerjee* (2024): Strain induced topological phase transitions in split and line
graphs of bipartite lattices featuring flat bands (submitted); arXiv Link
S. Pathrudkar, S. Taylor, A. Keripale, A. S. Gangan, P. Thiagarajan, S. Agarwal, J. Marian, S. Ghosh and A. S. Banerjee* (2024): Electronic structure prediction of medium and high entropy alloys across composition space (submitted); arXiv Link
S. Pathrudkar, P. Thiagarajan, S. Agarwal, A.S. Banerjee* and S. Ghosh (2024): Electronic Structure Prediction of Multi-million Atom Systems Through Uncertainty Quantification Enabled Transfer Learning; npj Computational Materials, Volume 10, 175 [.pdf] (Supplementary Information [.pdf])
Md. T. Ahmed, C. Wang, A.S. Banerjee and N. Admal (2024): Bicrystallography-informed Frenkel-Kontorova model for interlayer dislocations in strained 2D heterostructures; Mechanics of Materials, Volume 190, 104903 [.pdf]
H. M. Yu, S. Sharma, S. Agarwal, O. Liebman and A.S. Banerjee* (2023): Carbon Kagome Nanotubes --- quasi-one-dimensional nanostructures with flat bands; RSC Advances, 2024, 14, 963-981 [.pdf]
S. Agarwal and A.S. Banerjee* (2023): Solution of the Schrödinger equation for quasi-one-dimensional materials using helical waves; Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 496, 112551 [.pdf]
S. Agarwal, D. R. Kattnig, C. D. Aiello and A.S. Banerjee* (2023): The Biological Qubit: Calcium Phosphate Dimers, not Trimers; The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters; 14, 2518–2525 [.pdf] (Supporting Information [.pdf])
S. Pathrudkar, H. M. Yu, S. Ghosh and A.S. Banerjee* (2022): Machine learning based prediction of the electronic structure of quasi-one-dimensional materials under strain; Physical Review B; Volume 105 (No. 19), 195141 [.pdf]
C. D. Aiello, M. Abbas, J. Abendroth, A. Afanasev, S. Agarwal, A. S. Banerjee, D. Beratan, J. Belling, et al. (2022): A Chirality-Based Quantum Leap: A Forward-Looking Review; ACS Nano, 16, 4, 4989–5035 (Editor's Choice Article) [.pdf]
H. M. Yu and A.S. Banerjee* (2022): Density functional theory method for twisted geometries with application to torsional deformations in group-IV nanotubes; Journal of Computational Physics; Volume 456, 111023 [.pdf]
S. Agarwal, C. D. Aiello, D. R. Kattnig, and A.S. Banerjee* (2021): The Dynamical Ensemble of the Posner Molecule is not Symmetric; The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters; 12, 10372-10379 [.pdf] (Supporting Information [.pdf])
A.S. Banerjee* (2021): Ab initio framework for systems with helical symmetry: theory, numerical implementation and applications to torsional deformations in nanostructures; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; Volume 154, 104515 [.pdf]
S. Ghosh, A.S. Banerjee and P. Suryanarayana (2019): Symmetry-adapted real-space density functional theory for cylindrical geometries: Application to large group-IV nanotubes; Physical Review B; Volume 100 (Issue 12), 125143. [.pdf]
A.S. Banerjee*, L. Lin, P. Suryanarayana, C. Yang and J.E. Pask (2018): Two-level Chebyshev filter based complementary subspace method: pushing the envelope of large-scale electronic structure calculations; Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation; Volume 14 (6), Pages 2930–2946. [.pdf]
W. Hu, L. Lin, A.S. Banerjee, E. Vecharynski and C. Yang (2017): Adaptively Compressed Exchange Operator for Large Scale Hybrid Density Functional Calculations with Applications to the Adsorption of Water on Silicene; Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation; Volume 13 (3), Pages 1188–1198. [.pdf]
A.S. Banerjee, L. Lin, W. Hu, C. Yang and J.E. Pask (2016): Chebyshev polynomial filtered subspace iteration in the Discontinuous Galerkin method for large-scale electronic structure calculations; The Journal of Chemical Physics; Volume 145 (15), 154101. [.pdf]
A.S. Banerjee and P. Suryanarayana (2016): Cyclic Density Functional Theory : A route to the first principles simulation of bending in nanostructures; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; Volume 96, Pages 605–631. [.pdf]
A.S. Banerjee, P. Suryanarayana and J.E. Pask (2016): Periodic Pulay method for robust and efficient convergence acceleration of self-consistent field iterations; Chemical Physics Letters; Volume 647, Pages 31–35. [.pdf]
A.S. Banerjee, R. S. Elliott and R. D. James (2015): A spectral scheme for Kohn-Sham density functional theory of clusters; Journal of Computational Physics; Volume 287, Pages 226–253. [.pdf]
A.S. Banerjee, A.C. Mandal and J. Dey (2006): Particle image velocimetry studies of an incipient spot in the Blasius boundary layer; Experiments in Fluids; Volume 40 (6), Pages 928–941. [.pdf]
Other Technical Writing / Theses
A.S. Banerjee: Density Functional Methods for Objective Structures: Theory and Simulation Schemes; Ph.D. Thesis; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA. [.pdf]
A.S. Banerjee: Harmonic analysis on isometry groups of Objective Structures and its applications to Objective Density Functional Theory; M.S. Thesis; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
​​A.S. Banerjee: Introductory notes on Center Manifold Theory. [.pdf] (Developed as part of a class on Elastic Stability.)
A.S. Banerjee: Numerical simulation studies on cavity flows; Undergraduate Thesis; Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India .